Our Services


Naturopathic medicine is a patient centred holistic approach to healing. This means we work where you are at in your healing journey, and treat the whole person including emotional, mental, spiritual, physical and environmental factors. Identifying and treating the main cause rather than just symptomatic relief of a disease. We use traditional and evidence based methods to formulate a treatment plan specific to you.  

During the initial consultation I will take a detailed medical history including family history, any diagnosed medical conditions, go through each body system and preform required physical examinations including iridology. I may request pathology or functional testing to further give us answers to what the root cause is for you. The treatment plan may include lifestyle and diet modifications, herbal medicine specifically tailored to you, nutritional medicine, flower essences and homeopathy. The treatment plan will always be specific to you and your health goals.

Our philosophy include the principles of naturopathy; First do no harm, The healing power of nature, Identify and treat the cause, Doctor as teacher, Treat the whole person, and Prevention.

Reiki Healing

I use traditional Usui reiki created by Mikao Usui. Reiki helps balance and replenish the bodies energy system by clearing energetic blockages. It helps energy flow more freely from one part of the body to the next. I am simply the channel that allows this universal source energy to flow through me to you. During the reiki session I will also align all of your chakras. Walking away from your appointment you will feel relaxed and revitalised!

Theta Healing

Theta healing created by Vianna Stibal is a meditational process that creates physical, psychological and spiritual healing. Our brain waves automatically enter theta state of mind which then allows us to find which limiting beliefs or patterns are causing illness or creating barriers that are blocking you from achieving your optimal self.

Are you ready to let go and call in the new?